Top 10 Things to Know About Black Cumin Seeds (N. sativa) for Horses
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Article Contents
- Difference Between Common Spice and Medicinal Plant
- Black Cumin for Equine Metabolic Support
- Black Cumin for Horse Detoxification
- Immune Boosting Benefits of Cumin for Horses
- Black Cumin for Natural Fly Control
- Soft Skin, Shiny Coat and Healthy Hooves with Black Cumin
- Black Cumin Seeds are Calming for Horses
- Black Cumin’s Potent Phytonutrients for Holistic Horse Health
- Black Cumin - The Holistic Replacement for Commercial Supplements
- Black Cumin - Source, Quality & Process Matter
- Bonus Tip - Is Black Cumin Seed Oil Safe for Horses?
1) Cumin for Horses. One Type Can Be Toxic, The Other Beneficial
When researching the potential use of “cumin for horses” it is important to distinguish the common household spice from Nigella sativa (also known as black seed.)
In the spice world, there is common cumin (cuminum cyminum) and then there is a smaller, darker seed called kala jeera (bunium bulbocastanum) or black cumin. These popular spices are flavorful additions in Indian and Mexican cuisine, but should not be confused with black seed (Nigella sativa.)
Black Seed (Nigella sativa) and the common spice in your cabinet, “Cumin” or “Black Cumin,” come from two completely different plants and are not interchangeable at all, either for health promoting properties or when adding spice to cooked dishes.
The common household spice can be toxic to horses when fed in large doses, Nigella Sativa (Black Seed) however, has a long list of health benefits and is extremely safe.
For purposes of this blog (as well as all of our other blogs and content,) when we talk about “Cumin,” “Black Cumin Seeds,” “Black Seeds,” or “Black Cumin,” we are always referring to the same thing—Nigella sativa.
2) Black Cumin For Equine Metabolic Support
Numerous studies have been conducted proving the effectiveness of Black Seeds and extracts for supporting healthy blood sugar and lipid levels, as well as for proper energy metabolism and fat reduction. [1]
We have many success stories about this amazing benefit for horses. In fact, we have personally used Black Cumin Seeds to help our EMS horse lose weight, improve coat quality, and reduce fatty patches.
3) Black Cumin Provides Detoxification Support for Horses
Black Cumin Seeds help to support and improve the body’s natural detoxification pathways.
It is known that heavy metal accumulation in the brain can cause anxiety, nervousness, and heightened startle responses in horses. The naturally-occurring phytonutrients in Black Seeds support the body’s innate detoxification pathways.
Studies conducted have shown that Black Seeds and their main bioactive component, thymoquinone (TQ), function as natural antidotes to protect against toxicities in organs and have potent chelating abilities. [2]
(Note: “chelating” or “chelation” in this context is the process by which toxins, chemicals or heavy metals are tightly bound to another compound. Once bound together, this “chelated” compound can be safely and effectively eliminated from the body.)
4) Immune Boosting Benefits of Black Cumin for Horses
The pharmacological effects of Black Seeds and naturally-occurring (TQ), attenuate oxidative stress and inflammation, and promote cell survival, immunity, and energy metabolism.
Black Seeds and their active phytochemicals have proven to be a valuable source of nutraceuticals that contribute equally to the well-being and immunity of the body. [3]
One of the best examples we have seen was our OTTB, Radar. He started to develop welts across his entire body when we first rescued him. These welts, despite pharmaceutical interventions, continued to get worse year-after-year. We theorize he has allergies to the airborne pollens in the PNW (he is a Florida bred and raced in Southern California before joining our farm, very different climates.)
See for yourself the difference Black Cumin Seeds made for Radar below. The picture on the right is Radar after being supplemented with Black Cumin Seeds for just 2 months.
5) Black Cumin as Natural Fly Control for Horses
With continued use, the bitter substances and essential oils contained in the Black Seeds come through in the horse’s sweat and secretions, making an effective deterrent for winged pests, and eliminating the need for expensive, toxic fly sprays. In addition, the black cumin will make the manure pile an inhospitable breeding ground for flies, significantly reducing the fly population on your farm over time.
Black Seeds contain several naturally occurring phytochemicals that offer fly control benefits, including insecticidal activity, larvicidal activity and mosquito repellent activity. [4] One study tested many of the commonly used essential oils for their fly repellency effectiveness and they found: “The essential oil of Nigella sativa was found most effective against all the different stages [of pests].”[5]
If you want to learn more about Natural Fly Repellent for Horses, read this.
6) Black Cumin for Soft Skin, Shiny Coat and Healthy Hooves
Black Seeds have a very long history of use dating back to the days of Cleopatra and Nefertiti. Even the Prophet Muhammad consumed them and was first to speak to the efficacy of Black Seeds for so many diseases and conditions saying, “Use this Black Seed regularly, because it is a cure for every disease, except death.” [6]
When it comes to healthy, hydrated skin, a shiny coat, and strong, supple hooves, you can’t beat the dense nutrition contained in black seeds.
The three reasons why Black Cumin is so effective at improving horses’ skin, hair, and hooves:
Incredibly Dense with Nutrients. Cumin Seeds are superfoods, they are packed with the essential nutrients horses need to thrive.
Better Absorbed. As opposed to pelleted or powder supplements, Black Seeds are a whole food and as such every ounce of nutrition is absorbed in the gut and delivered to the cells. Pelleted and powder supplements mostly just end up in manure and urine and never even make it to the cells.
- Potent Phytonutrients. Phytonutrients (also called phytochemicals) are chemicals naturally produced by plants. The most concentrated phytonutrients contained in Black Cumin have been extensively studied for their many health benefits. These plant chemicals quite literally supercharge your horse’s wellness from the inside out, every organ, every system benefits. And when your horse is healthy on the inside, they will have an abundance of health and resources to use to be healthy on the outside.
If you want to learn more about Equine Nutrient Absorption, Optimal Supplementation and Horse Hoof Health, this is an educational read.
7) Black Cumin is a Powerful Calming Herb for Horses
Recent research shows Black Seeds to provide anti-anxiety effects, reduced stress, decreased indicators of depression and increased sleep time in rats. Black Seeds increase GABA and Nitric Oxide levels in the brain and plasma. Black Seeds were also shown to have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. [7,8]
Black Cumin Seeds may also help to re-sensitize neurotransmitter receptors. This is another potential mechanism of action for the calming and relaxation effect experienced by users. [9] By re-sensitizing the neurotransmitter receptors, the body becomes responsive, (i.e. calm, focused, happy) to the nominal levels of neurotransmitter secretions. Said simply, the normal levels of serotonin, dopamine and GABA secreted by the body will elicit a calming effect. This re-sensitizing process may also explain why Black Seeds seem to have a synergistic and even amplifying effect when combined with other calming agents.
Shortly after beginning supplementation with a high-quality source of Black Cumin, most horse owners report something akin to “It seems as though my horse is just more comfortable in their skin.” This subtle yet profound calming is highly sought after and rarely achieved consistently with other supplements.
Interested in natural calming remedies for horses? Check out our Complete Guide to Horse Calming Supplements.
If you are looking for a powerful, all-natural, and organic calming supplement for horses, consider trying Elite Calming Nuggets by Evolved Remedies. Hint: Black Cumin is one of the key-active ingredients!
8) Cumin for Anti-inflammatory, Anti-fungal, Anti-bacterial & Anti-parasitic Benefits
There is now abundant evidence to support the use of herbs and spices for their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumorigenic, anticarcinogenic, and glucose- and cholesterol-lowering actions as well as properties that affect cognition and mood. [10, 11]
Among medicinal plants, black cumin (Nigella sativa) is the one that exhibited the strongest antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and antiparasitic actions. In addition, black seed compounds have been reported to hold moderate inhibitory action against pathogenic strains of yeasts, dermatophytes and non-dermatophytic filamentous fungi, as well as against aflatoxin-producing fungi. [12, 13]
“Nigella sativa seeds have also shown schistosomicidal properties against Schistosoma mansoni (parasitic flatworms), through a strong biocidal effect against all stages of the parasite and an inhibitory effect on egg-laying of adult female worms.” [14, 15]
9) Black Cumin Replaces Commercial Vitamin/Mineral Supplements
Black Cumin, when of high quality and organically grown, is a whole food superfood that can replace many of the commercial vitamin/mineral supplements you already feed. Black Seeds are very dense nutritionally, and are a great source of protein, fiber, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and valuable phytonutrients.
Black Cumin on its own is a fantastic supplement for most horses. However, when you combine Black Cumin with a high-quality forage-based diet plus a couple other key superfoods, you can unlock a level of health and vibrance in your horse that is almost unbelievable.
If you want to learn more about the role of genetics, epi-genetics and how nutrition impacts the expression of genes, check out our blog about Dappled Horses. (At the end, we also share the nutrition protocol we use on our farm and have spent the last 25 years perfecting.)
10) Cumin for Horses: Source, Quality, and Processing Matters
Obviously, the best option is to find a high quality, traditional farmer located in the Middle East or Asia. Contact them, build a relationship, then order and import whole seeds direct to your mailbox. It will be important to then store those seeds in such a way that they don’t spoil. When you are ready, use a mortar and pestle to smash the seeds just minutes before consuming or feeding to your horse.
Pretty unrealistic, right?
The next best option is to use a high quality, trusted, organic source of a Black Cumin supplement that has been minimally processed and is highly potent. Black Cumin Seed Press Cake from Evolved Remedies is exactly that!
Whether it is Black Cumin Seed Oil or a Black Cumin Seed Supplement, if the raw seeds are ground at any point, they quickly lose nutrients and their potent health benefits disappear.
If the oil or seeds are exposed to heat or friction during their processing, again, the powerful nutrients and delicate phytonutrients are destroyed.
Many companies claim healing benefits of their black seed oils and whole seed supplements. The reality is, one company stands alone at the top for quality, purity, and potency.
Andreas Seed Oils stands in a class by itself inside of the medicinal seed oil space. The reason his products are superior has to do with his meticulous attention to detail, uncompromising standards in quality and his advanced, patented pressing technology.
Andreas Seed Oils process unlocks the medicinal healing properties of the super-seeds without corrupting or damaging the delicate nutrients.
The proof is in the pudding. Whether you are new to these types of products or have used them before, you will feel the difference when you use Andreas Seed Oils, and you will notice the difference when you supplement your horses with his seed cakes.
Headley Holistics is the exclusive distributor of Andreas Seed Oils-Seed Cakes.
Don’t believe us? Not sold by our 5-star reviews? Try it for yourself! Get a FREE 2-Week supply of our most popular Holistic Horse Supplement, Black Cumin Seed Press Cake. Available for a limited time, 1-per household, US Only.
Want to learn more about what sets our black cumin and other seed cake supplements apart from our competition? Here is an article that explains.
Bonus Tip
11) Is Black Cumin Seed Oil Better for Horses Than Black Cumin Seeds?
Black Cumin Seed Oil is safe for horses. Black Cumin Seed supplements are also safe and effective for horses. As we just discussed in #10, source, quality and process dramatically affect how effective these supplements will be for your horse.
If you are buying cheap oil or cheap seed cake supplements, their effects can range from nothing at all to actually harmful. Many seed cake supplements marketed today come from companies that make skin care or beauty products. These types of products typically source low-quality seeds, they can be highly contaminated and their outdated processing destroys the delicate balance of nutrients.
Some unscrupulous companies will even use cheap and toxic oils to dilute the Black Seed Oil to increase their profit margins. Every company, except Andreas Seed Oils, uses outdated pressing technology that destroys the beneficial nutrients during their processing. Some companies will even use toxic chemical solvents like Hexane to extract oil from the seeds, contaminating the seed oil as well as the seed cakes.
Finally, when deciding between a Black Cumin Seed Oil or a Whole-Seed Black Cumin supplement for your horse, keep in mind that fiber is essential for nutrient absorption. Said simply, whole foods are better at delivering the nutrients into the cells of the body than extracts or concentrates.
In conclusion, both Black Cumin Seed Oil and Whole, Black Cumin Seed Supplements are safe and effective for optimizing horse health. (Assuming you are using a high-quality, uncorrupted product.)
Products like Evolved Remedies Organic Black Cumin Seed Press Cake is a potent holistic horse supplement. Our Black Cumin supplement:
Has a long shelf life (Does not spoil)
Is easy to use (Does not require any special storage or preparation)
Is extremely cost effective (less than $0.50 per serving!)
And, Is guaranteed to be 100% organic and highly potent. (We offer a 30-day, money back, satisfaction guarantee!)
If you are interested in the highest quality black seed supplement for your horse, our Organic Black Cumin Seed Press Cake is the best on the market and is available in 3kg bags, enough for 150 days of supplementation for one horse.
Have Questions? Or want help assessing your horse’s nutrition? Send us an email! info@headleyholistics.com
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